18 Okt Classess canceled during examination event
Posted at 16:51h
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In the period from October 25 to 30, as well as on November 3rd and 4th, Anahata will be hosting special event – teacher certifation workshop and exam for Introductory and Junior levels
As you may know, that Iyengar yoga teachers has to undergo at least 3-year long training to receive admission for the exam. This long training (and exam) consists of a number of disciplines: Anatomy, philosophy, personal asana and pranayama practices, as well as art of teaching.
This special event will take place between 09:00 and 17:30-18:00 on aforementioned dates, and the following classes have been cancelled – see image (ATCELTAS mark).
November “1st Sunday of the month” is cancelled as well
Cheering for all the teachers!