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12. – 15.08.2021 Anahatas vasaras retrīts “Apzinātība” IZPĀRDOTS

Jogas prakse, pranayama,  meditācijas, sarunas. Veģetāra ēdināšana.

Vadīs Tamāra Bujanova (Senior 3)

Miķeļbāka, Viesu nams “Piza”

Iebraukšana no 12.08.2021 no plkst. 15.00

Cena 210.00 EUR ( ar dušu / tualeti koptelpās)

Cena 225.00 EUR ( ar vannas istabu numuriņā).

Pieteikties līdz 01.08.2021 pie Tamāras , iemaksājot avansu 100.00 EUR




Mīļie Anahatas jogotāji!

Ar 28.06.2021 izmaiņas nodarbību grafikā

Regulāri notiks Tamāras online nodarbības otrdien, ceturtdien 7:00 un otrdien 17:45, ka arī sestdienās 8:00.

Atsākas Iesācēju kursa nodarbības klātienē pirmdien un trešdien 18.30 pie Evijas.

* Pie iesācēju kursa nodarbībām var pievienoties jebkurš, kurš vēlas praktizēt!

Trešdien un piektdien online joga senioriem plkst. 8:00 ar Ludmillu.

Jūlijā ceturtdienās atkarībā no laika apstākļiem gaidīsim Ziedoņdārzā vai Online ar Ludmillu plkst. 17:30.

Augustā ceturtdienas nodarbības klātienē ar Ievu plkst. 17:30.

Klātienes nodarbības notiks saskaņā ar Latvijā pieņemtajiem Covid ierobežojumiem

Uz online nodarbībām pieteikties vēlākais 1 stundu pirms nodarbības. Rakstīt Whatsapp: 29149417 (Tamāra) vai pie administratores Ineses 29441159

( Ludmillas nodarbības).

Elpa ir prāta pārvaldītājs- karalis.
Ievads Pranajamā.
3 dienu seminārs
5.,12.,19.03.2021. 7:00-8:30
Cena 27.-
Apmaksa uz Anahatas kontu.
Pieteikties Whatsapp 29149417
Piedalīties var tie, kuriem ir pieredze Ajengarjogā vismaz 1 gads.
Lūdzu sagatavojiet segas priekš guļošas pranajamas
No sirds uz patiesību.
Jūsu Anahata

Mīļie Anahatas jogotāji!

Ir nelielas izmaiņas nodarbību grafikā. 12:00 nodarbības ir atcēltas

Regulāri notiek Tamāras nodarbības otrdien, ceturtdien 7:00 un 17:45, ka arī sestdienās 8:00


Pieteikties vēlākais 1 stundu pirms nodarbības. Rakstīt Whatsapp: 29149417

Piedalīties drīkst visi tie, kam ir mājās inventārs: paklājs, bloki un sīksna.

Ja kaut kas ir nepieciešams no inventāra – droši rakstiet uz info@anahata-prod.m50.lv vai Tamārai, varam sarunāt, ka jūs nopirksiet un paši savāksiet (vai ja tālu, tad nosūtīsim ar Omnivia) inventāju no studijas.


Online yoga workshop with Uday Bhosale

New Year, new opportunities! On behalf of the Iyengar Yoga Association of Latvia, we have the honour to announce an on-line yoga weekend with Uday Bhosale (https://www.yogawithuday.com/).

Before the pandemic Uday travelled and taught all over the world. His workshop that was planned in Latvia during last summer did not happen due to travel restrictions. Now Association is organising online workshop over a Zoom.

23.-24.JANUARY OF 2021, AM 9:00 – AM 11:00 (GMT+2)
Price for the Members of the Association: EUR 20,00 for both days, recorded video available for 2 weeks.

Price for non-Members: EUR 35,00 for both days, recorded video available for 2 weeks.


Keep moving!


Online yoga workshop with Uday Bhosale

New Year, new opportunities! On behalf of the Iyengar Yoga Association of Latvia, we have the honour to announce an on-line yoga weekend with Uday Bhosale (https://www.yogawithuday.com/).

Before the pandemic Uday travelled and taught all over the world. His workshop that was planned in Latvia during last summer did not happen due to travel restrictions. Now Association is organising online workshop over a Zoom.

23.-24.JANUARY OF 2021, AM 9:00 – AM 11:00 (GMT+2)
Price for the Members of the Association: EUR 20,00 for both days, recorded video available for 2 weeks.

Price for non-Members: EUR 35,00 for both days, recorded video available for 2 weeks.


Keep moving!


Online yoga workshop with Uday Bhosale

New Year, new opportunities! On behalf of the Iyengar Yoga Association of Latvia, we have the honour to announce an on-line yoga weekend with Uday Bhosale (https://www.yogawithuday.com/).

Before the pandemic Uday travelled and taught all over the world. His workshop that was planned in Latvia during last summer did not happen due to travel restrictions. Now Association is organising online workshop over a Zoom.

23.-24.JANUARY OF 2021, AM 9:00 – AM 11:00 (GMT+2)
Price for the Members of the Association: EUR 20,00 for both days, recorded video available for 2 weeks.

Price for non-Members: EUR 35,00 for both days, recorded video available for 2 weeks.


Keep moving!